Committees and Topics
Achieving peace 'piece by piece'
At BIGMUN we pride ourselves on having a wide variety of committees, offering interesting and complex topics every year, giving participants the opportunity to learn about the world they live in and to understand the complexities of international politics.
BIGMUN 2025 will have 14 committees, with approximately 25 delegates in each.
General Assembly
GA 1: Disarmament and International Security (DISEC)
Implementation of measures against proliferation of biological weapons.
Discussing the issue of current and future implications of satellites and space
technology as instruments of war.
Preventing the misuse of autonomous and remotely operated systems (AROS).
Committee email: ga1@bigmun.dk
Download the research reports here:
GA 3: Social, Cultural and Humanitarian (SOCHUM)
Combatting the alienation of immigrant groups in developed countries.
Establishing an immediate solution to the refugee crises in Central Africa.
Discussing the socio-cultural issues resulting from rising sea levels.
Committee email: ga3@bigmun.dk
Download the research reports here:
GA 2: Economic and Financial Committee (ECOFIN)
Countering the financing of drug and smuggling activities in Central Asia.
Working towards recovering from economic after-effects of civil wars post 1990.
Implementing countermeasures to restrictions on international shipping and trade.
Committee email: ga2@bigmun.dk
Download the research reports here:
GA 4: Special Political and Decolonisation (SPECPOL)
Promoting financial and humanitarian aid as reparation for countries previously under colonial control.
Proposing the establishment of Jerusalem and Palestine as UN trust territories to minimise conflict.
Identifying and resolving the territorial dispute over the South China Sea.
Committee email: ga4@bigmun.dk
Download the research reports here:
GA 6: Legal
Improving the legal frameworks concerning safety and security of nuclear power plants during conflicts.
Debating civilian rights for the possession and trade of firearms.
Restructuring the legal system on sex work and sex-related crimes.
Committee email: ga6@bigmun.dk
Download the research reports here:
Commissions of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
ECOSOC 1: High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF)
Debating the rising water levels in areas with indigenous populations and overpopulation.
Implementation of national policy measures against food waste.
Identifying and implementing necessary measures against forest-fires.
Committee email: ecosoc1@bigmun.dk
Download the research reports here:
ECOSOC 3: Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
Stressing the right to education for women in Afghanistan.
Ensuring the availability of female sanitary products in refugee camps.
Implementing and promoting the inclusion of women in armed forces.
Committee email: ecosoc3@bigmun.dk
Download the research reports here:
ECOSOC 2: Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ)
Addressing online security and combatting online abuse of vulnerable individuals.
Establishing a framework to restrict unjust use of juvenile punishment and
preventing the abuse of juvenile inmates.
Recognising the rights of prisoners and deploring the current conditions of some
punitive systems.
Committee email: ecosoc2@bigmun.dk
Download the research reports here:
ECOSOC 4: Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD)
Identifying and combatting the spreading issues of deep-fakes and fake-news.
Recognising technological warfare as a problem and implementing
Discussing the prospects of research in space and the development of spacecrafts.
Committee email: ecosoc4@bigmun.dk
Download the research reports here:
Special Councils and Committees
Security Council (SC)
Aiming to end the conflict in Sudan and facilitate the transition to a civilian government.
Developing a framework to actively combat acts of terrorism and threats to international security.
Eradicating the use of conflict diamonds in financing war.
Committee email: sc@bigmun.dk
Download the research reports here:
Committee on World Food Security (CFS)
1. Working towards combatting the starvation of civilians as an act of warfare.
2. Identifying solutions to the increasing food insecurity in Haiti.
3.Creating a framework to reduce post-harvest waste in the food supply system.
Committee email: cfs@bigmun.dk
Download the research reports here:
World Health Organization (WHO)
Raising awareness about and preventing the spread of neglected tropical diseases.
Identifying solutions to prevent attacks on healthcare in areas of armed conflict.
Addressing the increase in mental disorders in children.
Committee email: who@bigmun.dk
Download the research reports here:
Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Condemning and combatting the exploitation of children in the agricultural sector.
Implementing measures against the use of hostages as a tactic of warfare.
Protecting the right to peaceful protest and demonstration.
Committee email: ohchr@bigmun.dk
Download the research reports here:
Crisis Committee (CC)
(Crisis to be decided by chairs)
(Crisis to be decided by chairs)
Committee email: cc@bigmun.dk