General registration
All registration information, including fees, deadlines, and useful tips will be found in the registration handbook. Fees are the only information featured on the actual website, as we recommend downloading the digital handbook, when released. BIGMUN strongly encourages delegations and MUN directors to study the handbook before applying.
BIGMUN puts extreme effort into making registration as easy and as pleasant as possible. If you experience any issues or have any questions, please contact:
Student Officer registration
A MUN conference could not possibly run without Student Officers (SOs), also called Chairs and Co-Chairs. Register through the link at the top of the page!
*You must be a part of a delegation to apply for Student Officer
1. Participation Fee of €75 per Delegate/Student Officer
Note that MUN directors and chaperones do not pay the participation fee.
2. Pre-payment of €150 per delegation
The cost for pre-payment will be deducted from the final payment. The pre-payment secures a delegation's place at the conference until the final payment is made.
3.Host Accommodation Fee of €40 per Delegate/Student Officer.
Note that this payment should only be made if the delegate has received confirmation of being hosted. For more information please visit the Accommodation page.
4. Transport Fee of €80 per Delegate/Student Officer/MUN Director/Teacher/Chaperone.
Please note that this is not available for delegations being hosted. For more information please visit the BIGMUN Bus Service page.
Please read the Registration Handbook for further details regarding fees.